Up it Goes

67 frames, 12 loops, 1 minute of animation, 1 porthole and a janky computer set up later and the exhibition…


I am planning on displaying my work for the exhibition through a laser-cut porthole. the computer screen behind the wooden…

Darling, Don’t Question It

  After a week of editing, I shortened the audio, cutting two stanzas from the piece, shortening the overall piece…

More Adjustments

I have Drawn up an edited storyboard containing fewer characters and longer pauses. this has proven more successful for the…


Based on the original few frames I have already drawn. I have begun drawing a series of rough looped animation.…

A Slight Change of Plan

The original audio ( both the loop and the single voice) was not as successful as I had hoped, instead…

Character Designs pt 2

The First Storyteller aka Francis pieces of fishing rope are wrapped around the arm of his jacket representing his rank…

Character designs

To help me tackle the problem of who should be the narrator I began to create character designs for the…

Single Voice

after creating the narration in the round I have decided to use a single voice. this is mostly due to…